Zam zam for health. Best water on the earth is the water of Zam-Zam. There is some food and a refreshing antidote to all ills. "[HR. Ibn Abbas Radhiallaahu 'anhu].
The history of Zam-Zam begins when Siti Hajar struggle to find water to drink for her baby Ishmael in the desert between the hills Safa and Marwah. After back and forth for seven times between Safa and Marwah, fainally, the water was found under the heel kick Ismail. Zam-Zam name comes from the cry of Siti Hajar who was shocked and exclaimed "zummi, zummi" [be converge, be converge].
About 4,000 years, the well of Zam-Zam had taken a few hundred million people and thousands of animals, but never dry. Though free-Zam Zam water can be drunk as much with the facilities and the installation of Zam-Zam water that spread to all corners of Mecca, that did not stop pouring. A miracle and a blessing to the pilgrims who visited the house of God.
Zam-Zam water miracle is unmatched
Zam-Zam water miracle is unmatched
Below are the comparison List of Chemical Elements of Zam Zam water between (Mg / l) and Minera water
Cemical Elements | Zam Zam Water | Mineral Water |
Chloride (cl) | 159,75 | 30 |
Sulfate (SO24) | 140 | 27 |
Nitrate (NO3) | 0 | 15 |
Nitrite (NO2) | 0,045 | 0 |
Bicarbonate (HCO 3) | 398,22 | 32 |
Flour (F) | 0 | 0,7 |
Iron (Fe) | Undetected | 0 |
Manganese (Mn) | 0,014 | 0 |
Sodium (Na) | 318,0 | 20 |
Potassium | 82,2 | 3 |
Dissolved Solids (TDS) | 858 | 170 |
Magnesium (Mg) | 6,86 | 5 |
Organic Substances | 2,79 | 0 |
The number of micro-organisms (TPK) | 38 kolom/ml | 0 |
PH 7.3 | 7,3 | 72 |
The benefit of zam zam have been already proven. The research show that the Zam-Zam water contains fluoride which has effective power to kill germs. Zam Zam also able to be medicine. Zam-Zam water differences with other well water in the city of Mecca and other cities in terms of the quantity of calcium and salt magnesium. The content of the mineral was a little more on the Zam-Zam water causes refreshing for the weary pilgrims. Another intension is the well of Zam-Zam water never moss, but around the world where the well was always covered with moss and plant organisms.
for the other miracle of zam zam, please visit zam zam for health (part 2)
Keywords: HR. Ibn Abbas, Zam-Zam, The history, comparison List of Chemical Elements.
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