Healthy by Consume Apple Everyday.

Came from Central Asia, the fruit which has the Latin name Malus domestica, actually apple fruit has many benefits. The fruit is usually consumed directly and have a lot of water content, very fresh when consumed if plucked straight from the tree. Usually a good apple is eaten raw and are often used for party food to be made applesauce.
Apples contain no cholesterol. Apple fiber, helps to prevent colesterol by reducing the absorption of oil again. Research has shown that apples are good for heart patients and can also be useful for people who are trying to lose weight.
Some benefits of the apple are follows:
1.      Protect the bone
2.      Prevent Asthma
3.      Prevent Al-Alzheimer
4.      Lowering cholesterol levels
5.      Prevent lung cancer
6.      Prevent Breast Cancer
7.      Preventing colon cancer
8.      Preventing Liver Cancer
9.      Controlling diabetes
10.  Adding your weight
The Content of Apples:
In medical centre, the benefits of apples can help to diet or lose weight. By eating one apple can reduce calorie intake by 15%. We recommend that before you eat, please consume an apple because it can reduce your calories about 185 calories. So if the average per month, you can throw as much as 0.68 kg or 9.07 kg per year
The minerals contained in the apple fruit include calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium. while the vitamin content is very much like vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and C. Phytochemicals are also produced by the apple as an antioxidant to fight motor vehicle air pollution up to smoke cigarettes. It can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) causes blockage of blood vessels. Rich in fiber, apples are very suitable for consumption to diet again so that people can be detained hunger. Tannin content in apple are usefull to  refresh and clean your mouth so the teeth and gums safe from disease. The most important of the benefits of apples are substances capable flavoid reduce the risk of cancer.
You already know the benefits of apples. Make an apple as part of your extra food from now.

Keywords: apple fruit, no cholesterol, Some benefits of the apple, the content of apple 

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