Let’s Consume Tomato

Many varieties of tomatoes, such as the big tomato, tomatoes with a smaller size and cherry tomatoes which like marble. Whatever the types, tomatoes contain the same nutrients. they are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients substances.
Tomatoes have high lycopene content. In addition to providing the red color in tomatoes, lycopene is shown to be effective as antioxidants. Lycopene may also reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, stomach, esophagus and colon. The content of chlorogenic acid and p-kumarat acid in tomatoes can weaken cancer-causing nitrosamines substances. Vitamin A is contained in tomatoes is very good for eye health.
Tomatoes are also widely used in the beauty industry, a lot of masks and anti-aging pill is made from tomatoes. Not without reason, the pigment lycopene was shown to be effective as an antioxidant. Other substances such as Tomatin in the tomatoes are as anti-inflammatory, which can heal wounds and acne. If you have a fever, tomatoes also have a nature alias lowering fever antipyretics. While the high fiber in tomatoes are able to overcome digestive disorders like constipation and hemorrhoids.
It is recognized by a doctor of nutrition, Dr. Leane Suniar Manurung, MSc. He see that so many benefits of tomatoes, the tomatoes well taken anyone from an early age. "Especially timggi tomatoes also contain vitamin C and vitamin A, which is beneficial to boost immunity." But what kind of tomatoes are best eaten? If you look at the market, we can find tomatoes in two colors, namely red and green. These color differences show vitamin content. Leane said, red tomato is the best to be eaten. Red tomatoes contain much vitamin C and vitamin A more than the green tomatoes. More ripe of tomatoes, the vitamin content will be more. Because of that, child should be accustomed to eating lots of red tomatoes. It is essential for healthy eyes, "said Leane. So, do not hesitate to give the little bullet tomatoes. Since the age of 6 months, a child begins to get used to eating tomatoes mixed with other vegetables.
In the red pigment in tomatoes, has another value. The red color in tomatoes contain more lycopene, an antioxidant substance that can destroy free radicals in the body caused by smoking, pollution and ultraviolet rays. In addition, later known lycopene is also potent to help prevent cell damage that can lead to cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. "It's not only the lycopene found in tomatoes, but also in red grapes, watermelon and papaya. However, the most lycopene found in tomatoes. "Said Leane.
This is another benefit of the tomatoes:
1.      Helps reduce risk of heart problems.
2.      Eliminate fatigue and increase appetite.
3.      Inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostate, cervix, breast and endometrium.
4.      Slowing the decline in function of the eye due to the influence of age (age-related macular degeneration).
5.      Reduce the risk of appendicitis.
6.      Helps maintain healthy liver, kidney, and prevents bowel trouble.
7.      Eliminate acne.
8.      Treating diarrhea.
9.      Increase the number of sperm in men.
10.  Restoring liver function.
11.  Addressing obesity.

Keywords       : varieties, high lycopene, beauty industry, Dr. Leane Suniar Manurung, MSc, benefits of tomatoes,  another benefit.

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