Reduce Your Distended Abdomen

Distended abdomen is the one of problems which worried by men. It was the period when the weight began to increase. Most of the men connected with a good lifestyle, which is eating regularly and greater income to buy more food that is through screening. At the same time, these men usually become less active.
Weight gain in those days was probably also associated with decreased levels of several types of hormones. The hormone is probably the most growth hormone levels steady decline in subsequent years. Exercise is the best way to increase growth hormone levels. Growth hormone deficiency is associated with growth and reduced body fat weight is not fat.
This type of weight gain is important. Weight gain around the abdomen (or central obesity) is the most dangerous kind. Central obesity or apple shape associated with increased risk of heart disease and other damage. Obesity is associated with high levels of fats in the blood, gout, high blood pressure, diabetes, and sleep disorders, all these risk factors increase the risk of liver damage early.
Australian origin which drink beer belly is a good example of central obesity. The cause is not related to drinking beer, but the excess amount of sugar (carbohydrate) are taken. The human body is very intelligent and capable of converting excess energy in the form of sugar in the form of the most common energy storage, fat.
Men store fat differently from women. Men tend to have a potbelly. Fat cells around the abdomen is different from fat cells in the hips and thighs of women. The cells are larger and more active. They can be quickly slipped the fat into the bloodstream as needed. They also can remove more fat than if the body does not need it as a muscle fuel. Historically, this may be related to the need for men to change fat into energy while out hunting.
It is important for men to reduce the size of the body, lower than their height. Reduce inches, not pounds. Each kilogram of fat use about 30 km of blood vessels to support it. When your stomach is already distended, try the tips below:
1.      Drink Lots of Water
If the stomach is full due to the storage of water, you actually can reduce the problem by drinking more water. This will dilute the concentration of sodium / salt in the body thereby increasing the amount of water released from the body system. Drinking more water also ensure effective functioning gall to remove toxin material. Do not drink less water when dieting, because many materials which are difficult to digest and will cause abdominal distension.
2.      Salt subtraction
Do not eat too fast. When you swallow food too fast, the air suspended in the gut and form a gas that can cause abdominal distention. Sit down when eating and chew food slowly. Food is not chewed into small pieces can not be digested properly and then make a lot of gas bubbles that cause.
3.      Supervise your medicine
Expanding belly is a side effect of medication. Aspirin sometimes causes problems that lead to constipation and abdominal distension, including the contraceptive pill.
4.      Doing Gymnastics
Exercise or do physical exercises will help move the fluid in the abdomen that can cause major stomach by pushing it out of the network and enter the bloodstream where it will be issued as sweat or brought to the bile to excrete as urine. Aerobic exercise is recommended.

Keywords: Distended abdomen, lifestyle, less active, weight gain, the tips. 

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