The Benefits of Papaya for your health

Did you know that papaya was a tremendous benefit to our health? Papaya that had been underestimated, sometimes just for bird food, actually it have benefits for our health. Well..Allah said “there are not vain that God created everything on earth. All must be benefits, all must be usefull. Papaya is too, there are many benefits that we can take from it.
Papaya, is a herb of the family of Caricaceae originating from Central America and the West Indies and even the surrounding of Mexsiko Coasta Rica area. papaya are grown by much people, both in tropical and sub tropical elapsed. in areas of wet and dry areas or in the plains and mountains (up to 1000 m asl). Papaya fruit is a useful and have nutritious high quality.
The Nutrition of Papaya
According to VN Villegas in his article published Vegetable Resources of Southeast Asia : Fruits Edible, about 60 percent of the ripe papaya can be eaten. Every 100 grams of papaya contains an average of 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 g ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, 1 mg iron, 3 mg potassium, 450 mg vitamin A, vitamin C 74 mg, 0.03 mg tiamina, 0.5 mg niasina, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin. The energy value kJ/100 200 grams and is the main sugar content of sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.8 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent)
The Benefits of Papaya
Ripe fruit is popular as "tables", in addition to desserts as well as a supplier of nutrients / nutrition, especially vitamins A and C. Ripe papaya fruit perishable food should be treated like papaya juice, papaya lunkhead. Papaya fruit in the food industry is often used as raw material (mixing) the tomato sauce for a flavor enhancer, color and vitamin content.
In the food industry, its roots can be used as a cure kidney and bladder pain.
Leaves as a cure for malaria, stomach cramps and fever. Even the young leaves tasty engulfed and to increase appetite, and can cure the beri beri disease and to prepare chicken rations.
Young fruit stems and leaves contain a white sap that contains protein-breaking enzymes called "papaine" so as to soften the meat for the ingredients used in cosmetics and beverage industries (bleach), pharmaceutical and textile industries. The trunk can be used as cattle feed mixer through a process of slicing and drying.

Keywords: papaya, The Nutrition of Papaya, The Benefits.

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