Bananas are high in potassium and low in sodium, making it an excellent natural defense for high blood pressure. As a fact, USDA has recently allowed the banana industry to make claims for the fruit's ability to prevent high blood pressure and even stroke symptoms.
There are several education-based research that shows eating a banana before school, during lunch, recess, and at lunch, can increase overall brain performance by good results.
The banana was completed nutrients including calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B, C), fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and water. Nutrient content makes it as one of the fruits that can be relied upon in maintaining health and fitness of our bodies.
Here are various health benefits of bananas, which we collected from various reliable sources of reference.
1.      As a power source.
Bananas can easily be digested, the sugar contained in fruit is turned into a great source of energy quickly, and that's good in the formation of the body, to the working muscle, and very good for relieving fatigue.
2.      Curing Anemia
Two bananas are eaten every day by people with anemia are sufficient to meet the need for iron because the content of Fe (iron) are high in it.
3.      Stomach and Intestine Disease Medicine.
Bananas mixed with fresh milk (or put in a glass of fresh milk) can serve as a remedy in cases of milk. This recipe can also be recommended for patients with abdominal pain and Cholik to neutralize gastric acidity.
A banana served as a defense against inflammation because vitamin C can be quickly processed. He transforms into harmless bacillus bacillus-friendly. Thus, both will be saved. Banana cream (such as for baby food) can also be used to cure diarrhea.
4.      It is good for People with Lever
Patients with liver disease / liver can eat two bananas a plus one tablespoon of honey to increase appetite and create stronger.
5.      Diabetes medicine.
In Gorontalo (North Sulawesi) there Goroho banana types, namely banana typical local area. Banana is a food for people who have low blood sugar or diabetes mellitus, especially bananas Goroho immature. How, then steamed banana Goroho is mixed with shredded coconut.
Here are some other benefits of bananas.
·         Helps fight against measles or chicken pox, yellow fever, and polio.
·         Lowering high blood pressure, by eating two bananas a day.
·         Relieves depression
·         Reduce / relieve heart disease
·         Reduce pain or stiffness in the morning when consumed after breakfast
·         Reduces irritation, or swelling caused by insect bites. The trick, rubbing the affected bite with the inside of a banana skin.
·         Reduce the risk of death from stroke

Keywords: Bananas, completed nutrients, health benefits, other benefits. 


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