when we talk about life, surely everyone wants to have longevity. But the fact , many people who died as a baby or when he was young. Age is the will of Allah SWT, but if you endeavor and pray, and we want to maintain good health with the opportunity to go a long life is posible. It is good if we try to maintain healthy as possible so that our bodies are not fragile and susceptible to disease that causes our life is shorter. We must pay attention and keep the body which God bestowed on us.
There are several ways you can do to get the chance of longevity. First, ask God to give long life. Resume practicing this prayer "Allahumma tawwil 'umurana fi ta'atika ta'ati rasulika waj'alna wa min' ibadikas salihina".
It means: "O God, give us long life in obedience to you, and obey the messenger and make us Thy servants, Thy righteous."
Positive thinking is the second step. People are often so negative normally susceptible to heart disease, stroke and others. Sometimes there are not too important you are to charge all the problems on the shoulders of your own and how you can share with others, so that the problem you face there is a solution then you do not load too heavy for you to bear.
Then, Drink more water. Proved that drinking more mineral water will make the body does not dehydrate. Also by adding more water into the body, the skin will look healthier and younger.
The next step, Tidy up your home. Sweeping, washing dishes or just to tidy up your living room, because it is also a major effect on health. Clean the house for 30 minutes will burn 150 calories and lowers blood pressure. Blood pressure problems can also extend our lives. And for men, this is a good way to make domestic relationship with the wife getting intimate.
Next, fight free radicals, with the most potent antioxidant is vitamin E and vitamin C. Vitamin E can destroy free radicals which occur in molecules that contain fat. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol is a must. Reduce use of tranquilizers and sleeping on your back.
Finally, regular physical exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease, premature death, srtoke, depression, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Keywords   : Towards Longevity, Long Life, Life, Younger.


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