Improve The Health Of Your Back

We need to maintain the health of our back (spine), it is means that the back is a very important part. Backs sustain our bodies, so that we can perform a variety of daily activities. Perform the following tips to get back healthy and strong.
1.      Sitting in the correct position.
It do not need a fancy ergonomic chair to get the right position for your back. Just make sure you use a chair that can support your back with your right. Look for an S-shaped seat, not C. After that every half-hour, stand, and walk a bit for a few seconds to give time off for the back.
2.      Stand up straight.
Imagine there is a line that held the body upright. Ears, shoulders, hips, and knees should be in the same line. Do not forget, the head should also be aligned with the neck upright.
3.      Use a soft soles.
If using hard shoes, every time your feet moving, bone and muscle in the lower back will have an impact. Look for shoes with soft soles or insoles can also add in your shoes.
4.      Some of us would never hear back exercises. It also can do on the sidelines of your free time to strengthen bones and muscles that work the back muscles balanced, In addition to gymnastics, back muscle strengthening exercise can be done by walking for 30 minutes.
5.      Sleeping with a good base and sloping. According to Van Egmond dr.Coralee, Director of the International Chiropractors Association, sleeping mats that support the backbone of health is equal to the backbone line. "The backbone should be in a natural position while sleeping to muscle fatigue. Best sleeping position is tilted or lying on your back with a pillow propped neck. Sleep on his stomach is not recommended because it can make a stiff neck muscles and lungs can not breathe with perfect.

In addition of sleep on his side, the Prophet Muhammad had suggested to his people about 1430 years ago to sleep on his bed tilted to the right for health. In fact, Rasulullah SAW’s commands about sleep on his side to the right had proved medically,can reduce and even cure disease. Subhanallah!!!

Keywords: Back, Spine, Back Healthy, Healthy Back

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