Preventing Menopause and Osteoporosis by Soybean.

If viewed from the content, soy really have a myriad of benefits that are needed by our body. One of is the isoflavones which contained in soy. The content of isoflavones in soy act as synthetic estrogens such as tamoxifen and ipriflavone which is used to prevent osteoporosis or bone loss. Isoflavones was able to prevent osteoporosis by stimulating osteoblastic process through estrogen receptor activity and increases the production of Growth Hormone (insuline Like Growth Factor 1 or IGF-1). Consuming Soy Milk on a regular basis to maintain the skull and spine (Susan M.Potter-University of Illinois - USA). In another study noted that women who regularly consumed soy at a young age, the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis will be reduced.
Besides being able to prevent osteoporosis, Isoflavones are also able to hamper of Menopause. Despite the natural process, the women feel scared and worried about facing menopause. This is reasonable because the process is characterized by cessation of menstrual cycles that often cause psychological and physical disorders that are very disturbing; both before and after entering it. Cessation of the menstrual cycle in women menopause is influenced by the hormone estrogen produced by the ovarian gland. Therefore, medical therapy is usually given is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Although powerful enough to overcome some of the menopause syndrome, but in the long term can cause health problems; including breast cancer (33%), stroke (49.1%), Thromboemboli (125.3%), and heart disease (34.4%) - (Woman Health Initiaive USA). Solutions that can be done is constantly looking for and researching Fito-Estrogen or Estrogen derived from plants. One of them is shown to effectively cope with menopause syndrome is isoflavones contained in soy milk. Besides it's cheap; products have also been known to the public. Besides isoflavones, soy milk nutrient that can inhibit the menopause is Vitamin E. It is useful to keep the balance of hormones that slow the occurrence of menopause. Vitamin E Natural is more readily absorbed than Vitamin E synthetic.
However, although the benefits of soy are so great, you do not consume soy as you like. Soy consumption according to the portions. Why? Some scientific evidence states that, consuming too much soy will be at risk for cancer.
Keywords   : Soy, Soy Milk, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Soybean

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