Starting Your Activities By Bismillah

The Prophet said, "Any case that does not start with bismillah (in another narration: the remembrance of Allah), then the practice is disconnected (or less) of His blessing."
Sheikh Muhammad Abdul said in his commentary: "Al-Qur'an is Imam and our guidance, because it is the Qur'an begins with this sentence, by Bismillah. That is a clue for us that all our works begun by reading Bismillah. "
Basmallah a sentence that is very familiar for a Muslim. Basmallah is said when we will start positive case.
There are so many benefits that can be goten from starting our activities by saying Bismilahirrahmaanirrohiim. All the benefits are for our healthy. The benefits are:
1.      We will obtain the blessing of Allah SWT
2.      We will be protected by God from the Jin and the disruption of people who intend evil.
The Prophet Muhammad said: "The barrier between the eyes of Jinn and the nakedness of the Children of Adam, when one of them took off his clothes is saying Bismillah." "No one who broke into his house and remembers Allah (dhikr) when the entry and when to eat, then the devil said:" There is no place to rest and dinner for you. "And when he came in and did not remember God when entered, then the devil said:" You have earned a place of rest. "And if he does not remember Allah when eating, he said:" You get rest and dinner "
When Khalid bin Walid hit by doubts, they (his friends) said to him, "Be careful with the poison, do not let a stranger give drink to you," he said, "give me," and he took his hand and read: "Bismillah," and he drank it. So do not give the slightest danger to him. The above hadith clarifies how important to say Basmallah when we would begin a positives activities.
3.      Intellectual sense.
Read Basmallah on ordinary glass of water that will we drink (much water as needed) as much as 786 times when the sun is rising or before sunrise. Then Drinks at the desired person. Hopefully it will be easy to memorize something, and his brain to grow smarter. Endeavor to do this for 7 consecutive days. Able for self, child, or anyone else.
4.      Expedite delivery.
Basmallah sentence is written in the glass, then poured with zam-zam water or fresh water and then drunk to the women who felt difficult to give birth. Hopefully you will make the delivery.

Great right? That is just a little bit about the health benefits of reading Bismillahirrahmaanirraahiim on your body and soul. Let's start our positive activity with Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim!

Keywords: Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim, Basmallah, Bismillah, 

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