On the materials era, the man frequently caught in the bustle that is not stopping. The flurry of motion continues to move along second clock, the seconds passed by so quickly. And in the end, will come to a saturation point, the point where it seemed all bustle boring. If you are a healthy soul, your heart will be safe. If you heat the soul, it is definitely causing the heart beat faster. What a high price for peace of mind. Many have sacrificed everything to achieve it. Still, a few misguided. Just look at people willing to spend hours hanging out in places of entertainment while drinking. Not a few who spend millions to take a sedative pills. Meanwhile, the peace that be goten just a moment, and That is only nature superficial.
There are many ways recommended by the Qur’an to get this peace of mind. The first and foremost is the dhikr of Allah SWT. Dhikr is not a difficult job, almost all people can do it anytime and anywhere. There are two kinds of dhikr, which is in secret dhikr (remembrance sirry) and openly dhikr (remembrance jahry).
then, do not love the world so much. Bear in your heart that the world is just a stopover before the coming day Saints. Always remember the dead.
The third step is to Looking at people below, do not look up. Peace of mind would be obtained if we are ever grateful for every gift of God, although it looks a little bit. Gratitude that will arise when we are constantly seeing people whose condition is lower than us, both in terms of materials, health, appearance, work and thoughts. How many people in this world who are less fortunate. Gratitude is in addition to bringing peace of mind, also the rewards of Allah.
The next step is to stay away from debt. In a hadith the Prophet said emphatically: "Do not make yourself feel fear after security!" (The Companions) asked: How did it happen like that! His saying: Because of the debt. " That is reality!!. People who owe will always haunted by the fear, because he was being chased to pay it off immediately. This is one factor that makes a lot of people experiencing mental stress. Prophet also said: "You shall stay away from debt, because debt is a burden on the mind at night and low self-esteem in the afternoon”.
The last step is to always think positive. Why would someone easy to stress? One factor because he was always filled with negative thoughts. Always self-deprecating and regretting deficiency. In fact, each of us is given by God many advantages. Change your negative thoughts into positive. Change the expression of grievances that make sullen face, body limp and frustrated with happy expression. Expression of love will make your smile and the expression of the soul into the spirit again. Are not the difficulties and failures behind any lessons that could be a lesson?
Indeed to reach toward a quiet soul, it is not an easy nor an impossible one. To get it, he have to trained seriously and continuously active every day through the process of counseling and guidance upon the individual as to foster a positive attitude.

Keywords    : Soul, Soothe The Soul, mind, Calm.


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