If Your Ear Are Buzzing

In Java, there is a myth that if there is a ringing in our ears, it signifies that we're on the slander of others. First, I believe it. But now, we have to get rid of that trust. There is no relationship between the ears buzzing with the myth. Ear ringing or tinnitus is an early symptom that can cause a number of medical conditions. Such as reduced or losing hearing due to damage to the eye, or an indication of the body's circulatory system diseases. Although not to disturb the appearance, but it can certainly cause discomfort and eliminate concentration while doing all sorts of activities.
There are several causes that led to our ears ringing. dr Sapto Hanggoro Sp THT, a specialist ear, nose and throat, RS Urip Sumoharjo said that one cause of ear ringing is due to earwax clogging the outer ear, do not clean or the presence of inflammation. So that sound waves can not go very well. Handling is a way to clean the dirt. Other causes of ear ringing in the ears is that, thousands of auditory cells maintain the 'electrical signal' and the microscopic hairs forming tufts on the surface of each auditory cells. When normal conditions, these hairs move in rhythm with the pressure of sound waves. This movement triggered the cells to break the electrical signal through the network of the auditory nerve. The brain will interpret these signals as sound. If these hairs are damaged, they will move randomly in a constant state. Being unable to resist 'electric charge', the auditory cells leak. Electrical signals to the brain as a very noisy sound. The cell damage is due to many factors including, age, side effects of using medicine, drinking too much alcohol, over-ear fluid, high blood pressure or because of a tumor in the head or neck.
The symptoms that occur are usually noisy ear, as ringing, buzzing, pulsing, roaring, or ringing. Do not assume trivial when your ears were ringing. If your ears were ringing for a long time and often, and you do not consult a doctor, you will losing your hearing. Other hazards on the matter is, it could be a symptom of the emergence of nasopharyngeal cancer. Horrible is not it? So do not believe anymore about the myth that we're in slander people when our ears ringing. Consult to doctor promptly if you get prolonged ringing ear problem. Do not let you regret that you are too late to handle it. Dont forget!!! You have to avoid stress, because stress will only add to the ringing in our ears.

Keywords            : Ear, Ringing Ear, Tinnitus, Buzzing Ear, Causes of Tinnitus,
 The Symptoms of Buzzing ear

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