Allah says in the Qur'an Surah Ar - ra'du: 28 "Allaa bidzikrillaahi tathmainul quluub" (remember, only the remembrance of Allah the hearts become tranquil).

anxiety is an unrealistic fear, a sense of threat when responding to something that was not really threatening. This is different from fear, which is realistic, because something really scary. Sometimes we feel worried about something that is uncertain, such as when waiting for the graduation exam or awaiting results of job applications. Actually, anxiety is not good because it will adversely affect the health.
then how can we be free from anxiety? First, Avoid taking tranquilizers. drugs only relieve the symptoms, not cure. Healing comes from the way we draw closer to God. That is why remembering is the most powerful drugs to overcome anxiety in our lives.
Second, Dhikr as a grateful media. Be thankful every change in our lives, we are happy or change which make sad, happy or suffering should be thankful. Then, dzikr as a form of surrender to God. Whatever happens leave it to God then the attitude of surrender to God our hearts be calm and relieve anxiety. As the Word of God in surah Ar – Ra’du: 28 above.
Next, try Eating mango. According to research in Japan, a simple movement to peel, slice and eat the mango fruit that contains a component called linalool, can help you become calm quickly. In the study because of problems that arise recently, namely the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study found just by inhaling the scent of linalool (like the aroma of basil and lemon) can help the body deal with the anxiety that causes stress. 
The last step is treatment by Tauhid ( Laa ilaha illa Allah). "From Abu Hurairah ra, the Messenger of Allah said, La ilaha illa Allah is a medicine for ninety nine diseases, the easiest is a disease of anxiety." (Narrated by al-Hakim)
From the Hadith above, we learn two things: Feelings of worry or anxiety is a disease. And the disease can be treated with La ilaha illa Allah. So let us try to take advantage of this tradition. If we are hit by worry, let us try to treat ourselves with La ilaha illa Allah. Try to dhikr with La ilaha illa Allah as much as 1,000 times a day. If you feel objection, do this sentence for 200 times after every fardhu prayer. According to Professor Dato 'Fadhilah Kamsah, to transform a practice into habit, we must practice with it continuously for at least 21 days.

Keywords: remove the anxiety, anxiety, free from anxiety.

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