The Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric plant is widely cultivated in Indonesia, so we are not hard to find turmeric in traditional markets. In many areas, especially in Central Java turmeric is very close to the world of traditional medicine, herbal medecine prescriptions are also many uses of turmeric as feed stock, then what are the benefits of turmeric?
Turmeric is useful for curing some diseases related to irregularities in the kidneys, it is mainly in some cases are marked with an unpleasant odor and the eyes are not resistant to light, the use of turmeric is a very precise and very effective, that is by drinking a glass of juice, turmeric (waste disposal), for 2 consecutive weeks.
A simple way is: Take a handful of turmeric, then peeled. Grate or juice in a blender (regular water added to taste). Boil 2-3 times (usually marked with the expansion). Add a little salt (tip of a spoon). Strain / Squeeze. Pour lime juice (1-3 seeds, to taste). Add sugar or honey. Drink (preferably in a warm state) should not drink after 5pm.
The Other benefits of turmeric is to treat tonsillitis. The trick is simple, take 1-2 pieces of turmeric, lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey. Grate the turmeric. Squeeze lime juice and take the water. Combine these ingredients with a half of warm water. Stir and strain before drinking regularly once every two days.
This is two benefits of turmeric. There are so many other benefits of turmeric for health. Look for references turmeric benefits from other sources to make you more know and know about turmeric.

The Content Of Substances Found In Turmeric
Why turmeric have so many benefits? It turns out that there are substances in turmeric-containing compound that is efficacious as a medicine, the compounds found in turmeric curcuminoid often referred to as consisting of curcumin, then desmetoksikumin by 10% and 1-5% bisdesmetoksikurkumin. Other beneficial substances that exist in such turmeric volatile oil consisting of sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric also contains as much as 1 -3% fats, carbohydrates as much as 3%, Protein 30%, Starch 8%, Vitamin C 45-55%, and mineral salts, namely iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

Keywords       : benefits of turmeric, diseases, irregularities in the kidneys, treat tonsillitis,   other benefits, substances.

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