Four Healthy Food for Your Stamina

Sometimes you have a sense of weak and powerless at work. This sense often attack you before noon. This is a reasonable condition and almost everyone experienced. Some things are often the triggers are, you forget about breakfast, or eat high carbohydrate foods without balanced with adequate protein. The best way to boost your stamina is to combine foods rich in fiber, high protein and low in fat. 
In this article I will give you four  tips on healthy foods that can increase your stamina when your stamina begin to decrease. 
1.      Low-Fat Milk 
Low-fat milk can give you instant energy. In addition, the protein content can make you feel full longer. To increase the energy in the morning, other than low-fat milk, you can also add a scoop of yogurt into a bowl of oatmeal. Combination of prebiotic and probiotic foods contribute to healthy digestion, boost immunity and prevent flatulence. 
2.      Fruit Avocado And Olive Oil 
Eating Avocados will eliminate hunger immediately. Whether you eat avocados when you feel weak before noon. Avocados are also rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and renal function. Beside rich in potassium, folate content in avocados, also may help the body produce and maintain new cells. 
The content of monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado fruit can make you feel full longer. Besides avocados, you can use olive oil for your cooking process. 
The content of oleic acid in olive oil helps suppress hunger between meals you. 
3.      Boiled Eggs 
Boiled egg contains only 80 calories, protein artifacts in the hard-boiled eggs can reduce your appetite for hours. Foods high in protein can keep your stomach remains full for 3 to 4 hours when compared to high carbohydrate foods. Protein is digested much longer than carbohydrates, so it can help you feel full longer. To be more delicious, sprinkle your boiled egg with paprika, pepper and salt. 
4.      Citrus Fruit 
When you feel sleepy while your working hours, the smell of citrus fruits will increase awareness and vigilance you back. Citrus fruit can provide a quick energy because they contain natural sugars that can be digested in just 30 minutes. Lots of fruits rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, so it gives you energy for longer, than just eating candy or other processed foods. 
Do not let your job lowering the quality of your health. Increase your concentration and stamina while working with the above foods, and do not forget, doing exercise is a must for your health to be maintained. 

Keywords: powerless, four  tips , healthy foods, stamina, doing exercise

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