let us consider the words of the Prophet SAW. Hadith Bukhari and Muslim history of Abu Hurairah ra that Rasulallah saw said: "Verily, Allah choose a group of angels who fly arround on the streets looking for people who are making dhikr. If they find a group of people who dhikr of Allah, they call each other: 'Come to what you all wish'. Then they surround those who dhikr with their wings up to heaven. If those people have been separated (dispersed from the majlis dhikr) is turned to the angels and ascended to heaven. Then ask Allah swt. to them (even though he is better informed about their yan). He said: Where are you from? The angels said: We come from a group of your servant here on earth. They glorify, and dhikr to you. He said: Did they ever saw me? Angel says: Never! He said: If they ever saw me? Angel said: If they ever see you, they would further increase his worship to You, more vibrant praise and glorify Thee more. He said: Then what are they asked to me?Angel says: They ask thee heaven. He said: What they've seen heaven?Angel says: Never! He said: Why do not they ever see it? Angels say: If they ever see it, they will get the spirit to it, more passionate request and the greater the desire to enter it. Allah says: From what they ask for protection? Angel said: From the fires of hell. He said: What they've seen hell? Angel says: Never! He said: What if they never see hell? Angel said: If they had seen his best, they would shy away from it. God says: I testified to you that I have forgiven them. One of the angels said, and there was a person who is not included in their group. He came solely because there is a need (whether they will be forgiven as well). He said: They (including this one) is a group where people are sitting together they will not be disappointed ".
That is the greatness of dhikr. Below I will present two dhikr to the health dhikr which is clinically proven. The sentences are laa ilaha illallaah and astaghfirullah which medically-proven clinically to calm nerves as well as cure diseases. How did it happen?
Is dr. Arman Yurisaldi Saleh expressing this phenomenon through a scientific approach to neuro science. He was a nerve specialist as well as a clinician who frequently deal with and accept the consulting neurological diseases.
Based on empirical experience and direct observation of the patient and accompanied by a serious study of literature, dr. Yurisaldi finally come to the conclusion the close connection between the pronunciation of the letter (makharijul letters) on laa ilaha illalloh and astaghfirullah reading and recitation with the clinical (physical and psychological) someone who read it. Remembrance that positively affects the health of nerves and body, of course, is the remembrance of a well articulated and properly according to the rules in the science of tajweed then internalized the meaning of meaning and accompanied by earnestness.
Healthy effect, when person doing dhikr by intense and solemn remembrance while to understand and appreciate the meaning, the blood vessels in the brain will make the flow of carbon dioxide out of the breathing becomes more. Carbon dioxide levels in the brain would be decreased in order. In turn, the body will soon showcase the reflex compensation.
Subhanalloh .. conjunction with the expenditure of carbon dioxide and the neurosis that it has a positive effect for the reader of remembrance. "Bringing a calming effect". Of course this is very beneficial for those patients with neurological disorders such as stroke, depression and the like. Calmness can help the spirit of life, and increase endurance.

Keywords: Hadith, health dhikr, laa ilaha illallaah and astaghfirullah.


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