Try to Know The Holistic Therapies

Various kinds of treatment that exist in Indonesia are increasingly numerous and diverse. This is certainly encouraging us as citizens of Indonesia. At the very least, we are the easier it is when we seek treatment for illnesses that we suffer. As in the county, in a village far from the crowds, there is a holistic therapy that has been famous in the region of Java. His name is a holistic treatment of Mr. H. Ugiyanto (deceased). The treatment is already has branches in almost all major cities in Java such as Jakarta, Semarang and others. This holistic treatment has been running for decades and serves the healing process of the common diseases to chronic diseases. There are so many patients from outside the area who came to this treatment. The average patient who came were those who were desperate for their disease because of treatment performed in the hospital to no avail. In fact, those who have despaired of the disease, having done this holistic therapy, many have recovered from chronic illness.
Why holistic? Dr. H. Susilo Wibowo, Sp.JP, a doctor who has long practiced a holistic approach, in a seminar in Jakarta some time ago, called this treatment as a chain of medical science. In foreign countries, especially the United States, sometimes called also patient centered approach. In essence, patients are seen not just display the bodies to be released from bacteria and other physical illnesses.
The basis of a holistic approach is not only a human body, but also mental and social relations of the universe. The role of sport, for example relating to real organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, brain, nerves, liver, digestion, sensory, and glands. While the components of the soul consists of spirit, intellect, passion, conscience, and much more. As social beings, humans are also always interact with their environment.
Impaired organ function and its relations, is believed to invite disease. Conversely, if the optimal working organ and harmony, plus perform the function of "jock" well, fitness and level of immunity is likely to intensify. Guaranteed, viruses and bacteria rarely attack was going to because it is often not working.
If you have a family who are ill but have not given a cure by God, it is not wrong if you try this treatment. If you are interested, please come to the village of Balun Wanayasa District Festival of Central Java Indonesia.

Keywords       : Healthy with Holistic, Holistic Therapy, The Treatment of Holistic,
  Holistic Approach,  Patient Centered Approach

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