Smoker Will Be More Healthy When Fasting

It turned out that fasting in Ramadan brings blessings very much. This is why fasting in month of Ramadan is also called baraka (Shahrul Barokah). How could  not blessed? The fasting person will be forgiven all the sins he has done in times past. This is in accordance with the words of the Prophet SAW "man shoma romadhona imaanan wa maa ihtisaban ghufirollahu taqoddama min dzanbih". "Those who carry out the Ramadhan fasting is based on faith and the full calculation (self-introspection for the mistakes that have been done) will be forgiven all his sins by God".
Besides the blessing of forgiveness that can be goten by the perpetrators of fasting, it is still a lot of blessings to be obtained, including the reduction in cigarette smoking in smokers each day. Why? Fasting requires the perpetrator not eat and drink from time imsyak until sunset. It is certainly devastating for smokers. If in the month of Ramadhan in addition, smokers could spend an entire pack of cigarettes every day, then in the month of fasting they only spend one to two cigarettes a day. How is it possible? It is very likely due to the time in the month of fasting is very narrow due to the density of acts of worship performed by actors of fasting, especially smokers. Let's see what activities make them (smokers in particular) greatly reduce cigarette when in the month of Ramadhan. When breaking the fast, time is very narrow. They just drink water when breaking, maghrib prayer is resounding. This means they must immediately implement the maghrib prayer in congregation. When he returned home from the maghrib prayer, they should eat. Finished eating, they were called again by the call to prayer in the evening. This means, they should immediately proceed to pray evening and prayer tarowih. After Tarowih prayers, on average they were tired and sleepy. This means that the time to smoke also has been overtaken by drowsiness.
So, when you will enjoy your cigarete? When? If the smoker can set the time and want to stay up, after prayers tarowih you can smoke. You can also smoke when approaching dawn. But I am sure, when before the dawn, you definitely do not want to smoke. Maybe when you can smoke out the meal. But the dawn of time is also limited, when the meal just finished, after a moment, imsyak was resounding. And then what? Best path, you quit to smoking. How? Yes, by quitting smoking you will be healthy? It is right? You must be gratified by the arrival of the fast. This is the blessing of fasting. Unconsciously, you are more healthy by fasting. You are trained to eat and drink are very disciplined. You are trained to reduce smoking are in fact very harmful to health. You can even quit smoking completely. Subhanallah, Shummuu tasikhu (fasted, then you will be healthy). This is the words of the Prophet that it is definitely true.

Keywords       : The Danger of Smoking, Smoking Danger for Health, Smoker and Fasting,
   The Benefits of Fasting for Smoker, Fasting as Shahrul Barokah

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