No Reason Not to Having Fasting Althought You Have Deseases

The presence of diseases such as diabetes, ulcers, and kidney often cause hesitation to fast. Apparently, these concerns can be avoided. Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, "Fast when you order and you are healthy", echoed also by the doctors in a mini symposium on "Worship Qualified For Impaired Fasting Without Disease" organized by the Association of Specialist Doctors Indonesia.
Fasting in order to run smoothly, people with diabetes, ulcers, and kidney does require extra preparation compared to healthy individuals. below some of the preparations for people with diabetes, ulcers and kidney to be able to smoothly carry out the Ramadan fasting.
1.      Ulcer
"People with the ucler illness can be fasting except for patients who have not been treated organically. Especially if there are signs such as mag first time in over 45 years, weight loss, anemia, melena, and dysphagia, "he said. The results of an organic mag endoscopy showed abnormalities such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, polyps, and cancer. While the mag functional impairment due to irregular eating, eating fatty snacks, coffee or soft drinks all day, smoking, and stress. 80 complaints about the perceived mag community is dysfunctional and the results of endoscopy is usually normal. For mag dysfunctional, usually improved or even cured after fasting. "That's because when the fasting even eat a regular meal time and open, no-fat snacks to eat throughout the day, no coffee, and do not smoke," he said. Going down stomach acid production. For patients with ulcers, the food must be considered, such as avoiding foods that contain gas, which trigger stomach acid, it is difficult to digest, slowing gastric emptying, and weaken the lower esophageal valve.
2.      Diabetes
For diabetics, diet when fasting is not much different than before. Same number of calories consumed, but the meals are changed. Portion of 50 percent of calories when breaking the fast, 10 percent after tarawih, and 40 percent when the meal. Choose complex carbohydrates that take a long time about 8 hours of burning, reduce fat, fiber and multiply. Drinking also be sufficient, ie eight glasses. "Energy consumption usually becomes very high after the fourth week of fasting for the celebration of the holiday. This should be maintained so as not to eat too much or too broke when Lebaran, "he said. Fasting also be canceled if the blood sugar dropped to 60 mg / dl or less, the blood sugar down at about 70 mg / dl in the early hours, especially users of insulin, sulfonylureas, or glinid used when the meal, and blood sugar rises more than 300 mg / dl. Monitoring is important when the fasting blood sugar for diabetics. Check your blood sugar does not mean break the fast.
3.      Kidney
There are various types of kidney disease and stage. Early-stage kidney stone disease in desperate need of drinking up to 4 liters per day. If it fails, can worsen kidney stones. "The need to drink plenty of water it is difficult to fulfill at the time of Ramadan. Alternatively intermittent fasting and pay fidiah, "he said. "To maintain health, please having break with snacks, such as some dates, and a heavy meal after maghrib gradually or not crazy. In addition, choose foods with low glycemic index and high fiber. During fasting, the rest should be pretty and a little exercise is still being done, "he said. Thus, fasting can be completed and the disease was controlled.

Keywords        : Always Fast Althought Have Deseases, Fasting for Desease Patients.

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