In Indonesia,  especially for  Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Comunityi, they are very familiar with the therapy or treatment with water. When there are sick people, not least that asked for prayer healing to a clerics or scholars. When he was in prayer, the religious scholars or ulama usually give a glass of water to take home, then the water is used as a means to cure the illness.
Glass of water can be an alternative option in the treatment of certain diseases, of course with the blessing of God that creates the disease and the cure of disease. A person with kidney stone disease will be advised by doctors to consume lots of water. Medically, water has very much benefit for your  health, including:
1.      Drink 2 glasses after waking can clean  internal organs.
2.      Drink a glass of water, 30 minutes before eating can help entire digestive + kidney function.
3.      Drink a glass of water before bathing can lower blood pressure.
4.      Drink a glass of water before bedtime can prevent stroke + heart attack.

Water is a blessing and God's incredible gift to mankind. By quoting the Qur’an, there was the statement of Allah, "And We created from water every living thing ..." (Surat al-Anbiya [21]: 30). However, not all water can be used as a means of therapy. According to the study, only the hexagonal water is very important for health because of the effect of shape. This water acts as an antioxidant to scavenge free radicals H + and OH-.
Based on the results of research by Japanese scientists Massaro Emoto in his book The True Power of Water states that the Air Can Respond to the Word. According to Emoto, Water will respond the positive words by form a beautiful crystals. If the water to show a sense of excitement, the crystals will be broke. And conversely, if the water is shown negative words, he will not form crystals.
Subhanallah! Water can transfer the message through another water molecule. Perhaps these findings could explain, why the prayer of water could heal the sick. But you must remember! Water only as a intermediary, the God who heals disease. Once again, the important thing is the creed of Tauhid needs to be maintained. Embed this in your heart that water is only treatment facilities, the God who heals.

Keywords:     Water, Water Teraphy, Therapy of Water, The Mirracle of Water,  
Water Treatment


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