The Prevention of Varicose veins

Varicose veins occur because of reduced elasticity of the walls of the veins which causes veins to weaken and was unable to drain blood to the heart as it should. Blood flow from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamic muscle arround it. Varicose veins also happened because the vein valve’s break. This valve is in charge keep blood flowing to the heart so as not to get outagain. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered in the inside and causingclots that interrupt blood flow.
There are so many factors that cause varicose veins include heredity factors, pregnancy, lack of exercise, smoking, too much standing, suffered from diabetes and high heels.
Varicose veins are a problem for some people, especially women. This is because the majority of varicose veins happen to  woman. But, that does not mean it can not be prevented. With the consumption of good food and the right lifestyle, you can prevent varicose veins appear on your body.
Perform the following ways to prevent varicose veins and reduce varicose veins due to complaints:
How to avoid varicose veins:
1.      After doing an activty, lie down with your feet and legs higher than the heart for 20 minutes. For those who are suffering from varicose veins, try sleeping in this position throughout the night. This is for blood circulation to the heart.
2.      Do yoga every day.
3.      Do not stand too long.
4.      Regular exercise to train the leg muscles: brisk walking, jogging, biking, swimming (at least 30 minutes per day).
5.      Do not massage in the varicose veins area, because it can cause rupture of the veins. Do massage lightly but regularly, in areas prone to varicose veins in the direction toward the heart. Do it gently and use of essential oils that have been dissolved.
6.      Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits high in fiber and foods that can stimulate blood circulation, such as onion, garlic, onions, ginger and red pepper. You also recomended consume foods which rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, folic acid, calcium and zinc.
7.      Reduce consumption of sugar, salt, red meat, fried foods, and animal protein.
8.      Often sprawled legs and pelvis.
9.      Keep your weight.
Over weight can make a heavy weight-bearing leg so the risk of developing varicose veins.
10.  Use socks
If you have the genes that cause varicose veins, you should use elastic socks, if possible, wear long socks that reach the knee. Required the use of socks, especially when located at an altitude such as a walk in the mountains or on a plane.
11.  Avoid too-tight underwear
Clothes that are too tight can inhibit blood circulation to the heart.

Keywords: Varicose veins, causes of varicose veins, prevent varicose veins.

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