Dental Care Tips

A beautiful smile must be equipped with white and healthy teeth. Why? Because the teeth  is one of the most important part of  our body. Just imagine if we do not have teeth, what can we do at dinner? The teeth is one of the important organs of digestion. Teeth used to chew the food before it goes into the digestive tract. If the gear was down, would also disrupted digestion process. Tooth problems can interfere with daily activities. Untreated tooth will be exposed to infection can lead to other diseases, like heart disease and vascular
Dental care needs to be done as early as possible. Do not let you regret that your tooth is damaged because you do not look after the health of teeth. Remember, a healthy tooth is teeth without holes. Dental pain was excruciating. Do not let your dental pain. For those who are already perforated teeth, consult a physician for treatment, so that the aperture of your teeth is not contagious to other teeth. For the man which still have healthy teeth, do the prevention before the bacteria destroy your teeth.
There are many ways to take care of your teeth remain healthy and strong. Brush your teeth two times a day is a must for you. Especially brush your teeth in the morning and before go to bed. But it would be better if you brush your teeth after  you eat. Thus, bacteria or germs that are lodged in your teeth will be lost.
Then, avoid foods that contain lots of sugar like sweetened candy and sweet cake. Make a habit to eat healthy foods like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables are still fresh. But, in fact, dental care is done personally (brushing teeth, etc..) is not enough. Dental care also requires a professional manner, especially on sensitive teeth or teeth that have already suffered damage, for example, cavities. Check your teeth every 6 months. Highly recommended for teeth checked regularly to the dentist every 6 months. Consult a dentist is required to get the stages of dental care, especially in the problematic tooth.

Keywords: Teeth, Dental, Teeth Brush, Dental Care

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