Many people consider the lack of sleep is a normal thing, but according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania, lack of sleep is more dangerous than no sleep.
Someone who has an irregular sleep patterns or sleep deprivation will have high risk of developing diabetes type 2, based on recent studies at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "The level of glucose in the blood increased, and some participants have led to the condition of prediabetes," said the researchers who published their study in the journal Science Translational Medicine, 11 April 2012. Body of a lack of rest also triggers an increase in stress hormones that can trigger a hormonal imbalance. This condition is associated with an increased risk of diabetes due to insulin, whose levels are reduced, it becomes not maximized.
Sleep deprivation can also lead to obesity caused by any type of hormone secreted. The hormone called ghrelin. This hormone causes hunger! So that, the people who sleep less will increase your appetite. Another danger of less sleep is Hypertension. Lack of sleep causes stress on the body, forcing the heart to beat faster, experts say.Lack of sleep may not much affect the appearance of routine during the day but it can trigger physical problems such as those already written. According to the National Sleep Foundation in 2002 in a poll found as many as 47 million American adults do not get the minimum amount of sleep they need each night.
Leave stayed up late, because Rhoma Irama ( a dangdut singer) say “ staying up all useless”. Stayed up late only lead to various diseases. The night breeze was not healthy for your health. Sleep early and wake up in the early morning is more healthful than stayed up late then sleep and woke up during the day. Do not imitate the culture of the bat. Bats always used to work nights, but during the day they sleep in a dream. Staying up late is okay, but not every night. If indeed there is work to be completed overnight, you can stay up to finish your work.
Do not underestimate the rest. Let's try to set the portion of our work and rest as possible to avoid the disease later in life. Always cultivate the statement on your heart that “Keeping Better Than Treating”.

Keywords: Sleep, Less Sleep, The Lack of Sleep, 

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