How To Consume Salt

Salt will make tasty and delicious food. Salt with the chemical name sodium or sodium chloride (NaCl) is part of the sodium that our bodies need. The body needs a certain salt content in order to function properly. Sodium helps the body maintain fluid concentration in the body. This salt also acts as an electronic transmission in nerve cells and helps the body form of nutrition.
However, excessive salt consumption was very dangerous for health. WHO set a pretty 5 grams a day. Singapore, the United States and eleven of European countries are doing the reduction of salt consumption. WHO recommends people simply consume 5 grams of salt a day, or about 2 grams of sodium (sodium). Eskimo’s people, Indian, Tibetan, Dayak, and rural residents who knew no salt, low cases of hypertension. Conversely, many cases of high blood pressure in people who met at his menu completely salted. Eating too much salt will causes many deseases.
Professor Graham MacGregor from CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) said that, excessive salt intake in the body will cause strokes and heart attacks, even it could result more seriuous effect. Existing high levels of salt in body fluids will affect the functioning of other organs or brain. Excessive salt causes the widening of blood vessels. Condition fatal rupture of blood vessels, and there was a stroke. "
"Excessive salt levels in the body is removed, it can also lead to calcium helped out. If it persists will cause osteopen, In fact, the risk of causing a fracture. Similar disclosed Professor Graham MacGregor of Cash (Consensus Action on Salt and Health). According to him, excessive salt intake in the body will cause strokes and heart attacks, could result in even more severe.
In the same state, the high salt levels in the channel will also suppress the body's heart, and increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Therefore, it is time for the housewives who prepare food at home so pay more attention to the use of salt. Because of the same salt content, may not be the same in processing by each family member. In adults, it is possible to remove salts in the body through the kidneys and excreted in urine.
So, immediately change the style of eating your low-sodium salt. Choose the salt that can be bought from the supermarket. For those who have high blood family members, get used to cooking without applying salt. Salt added at the dinner table and choose the low sodium. In this way the threat of high blood can be muted.

Keywords       : Salt, Sodium, Sodium Salt, Excessive Salt

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