Prevention of Stroke by Healthy lifestyle

Today, stroke is the leading cause of death fear most in society. Although the stroke could have been saved, but sometimes the patient suffered paralysis in his limbs, loss of memory or abilty to speech.

There are several signs and symptoms of stroke
If you have of the following sign, immediately consult a doctor
1.      Part of the central nervous system: muscle weakness (hemiplegia), stiffness, decreased function of the sensory
2.      Brain stem, where there are 12 cranial nerves: decreased ability to smell, taste, hear, and see a partial or total, decreased reflexes, impaired facial expression, impaired breathing and heart rate, weak tongue.
3.      Cerebral cortex: aphasia, apraxia, decreased memory, hemineglect, confusion.
If the signs and symptoms disappear within 24 hours, expressed as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), which is a small attack or stroke the initial attack.
And if you have the sign of the above, you should be doing this tips for prevention.
Below Tips to Avoid Stroke Deseases
a.       Check your blood pressure regularly
Research suggests that diligent blood pressure control can reduce the 40% risk of stroke.
b.      immediately to dtop smoking
The study results show that away from tobacco as well as cigarettes, reducing the risk of stroke by 33%,
c.       Check your Neck
Ask the doctor to hear a whooshing sound in the neck. This is important if you have aterosklerosisi or hardening and thickening of blood vessels that cause blockage of blood flow.
d.      Sport
Research shows that those who began training at age 25-40 years, the risk of stroke was reduced 57%. While that began exercises at the age of 40-55 years, only 37% chance it is better to avoid a stroke.
e.       Consume Fruit and vegetable
Eating green vegetables and fruits every day is very good.
f.       Consumption of potassium
Research confirms that the potassium-rich foods daily may reduce the risk of 40%. Potatoes are a good source of potassium, in addition to avocados, soybeans, bananas, salmon and tomatoes.
g.      Reduce Fat
It is good for your brain. Keeping the mean cholesterol levels inhibit aterosklerosi and stroke. Eat fat no more than 25% kalori needs.

Keywords: Stroke, Prevention of Stroke, signs and symptoms of stroke, Tips to Avoid Stroke

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