In the previous article, the authors have started writing about how should we have sex in Islamic. A sexual relationship which is based with faith and obedience to Allah SWT. Finally, beside having sexual pleasure, we will also get obtain the blessing of Allah SWT. In this article I will continue the three Islam manners in terms of sex. The ethics before having sex ( jima’) has been lay out in my writing before. This time, I will explain about the manners number two, it is THE ETHICS WHEN JIMA '(related to sexual).
1.      Do sweet talk and flirt when jima and be romantic
Islam teaches jima is accompanied by a preliminary expression of feelings of romantic love such as greeting, kisses and sweet talk and persuasion. Islam does not teach directly without preliminary beat. Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever among you, do not match his wife like an animal having sex, but let him precede it with mediation. What is mediation? Rasulullah SAW said, "the kiss and romantic sayings". (Narrated by Bukhâriy and Muslim).
Prophet Shollallohu 'Alaihi Wasallam said, "Let not any one of you intercourse with his wife like an animal. Let him first give an introduction, the kiss and flirt sweet talk. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi).
2.      You may provide stimulation through touch, sight, kiss your wife’s genetalia.
your wife can do it too. Although you may kiss the genetalia, but it will be better if you did not do it. Because it is more clean.
Your wives are (like) the land where you grow crops, its up to you to come from anywhere. (Qur'an An Nisaa:223)
"From Aisha RA, he recounts," I ever bathe with the Prophet in one vessel ."(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
3.      Using a blanket as a cover when jima’.
From 'Atabah bin Abdi As-Sulami that if you go to his wife (doing jima'), then use the cover and do not let bare as two tails himar. (Reported by Ibn Majah)
4.      Do not sodomy
Jima’ with your wife may from anywherw. From the front, side, rear (not the origin of sodomy) or standing position, face down, sitting, lying, etc.
Your wives are (like) the land where you grow crops, its up to you to come from anywhere. (Qur'an An Nisaa:223)
Note: The rectum is not a place that produces farm crops (offspring) but of latrines.
From Abi Hurairah Radhiallahu'anhu. The Messenger Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said, "will be intercourse if a man doing sex (jima’) who cursed at the anus".(Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i)

Keywords: Jima’, The ethics before having sex ( jima’), the ethics when jima’.

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