Each person returning from the pilgrimage would not be forgotten by the typical of Mecca. They must carry dates, zam zam water and camel organ like milk and liver. In 2010, when my parents want to perform the pilgrimage, there are guests who come to the house and said "please when returning from Mecca, bring me a liver camel". I said to myself, what advantages of camel liver? And actually, based on the research, one of the organs which called liver and camel’s milk, has efficacy in treating some diseases below: 
1. Reat Tired or Increase Power 
2. Treat a cough or shortness of breath 
                   How to make it to be medicine? camel liver roasted or grilled with a little oil over low heat until you see    mature (preferably roasted). After the camel liver mashed up into a powder, Camel liver into powder and consumed 1 tablespoon twice a day. If your breath to be shortness please consumed camel liver one tablespoon 
3. Treat asthma 
                   What did camel look like? Camel is a two ungulate species of the genus Camelus even (one humped single - Camelus dromedarius, one double humped - Camelus bactrianus) found living in dry and desert regions in Asia and North Africa. The average life expectancy of a camel is 30 to 50 years. In addition to the animal known as a worker, meat and camel milk to be one food that is quite sought after. Camel liver stir, is one of the rare foods that can only be found in the month of Ramadan.
                   Another camel organs which have the advantages is their milk. Narrated Abi Qilabah dar, from Anas bin Malik radhiallahu 'anhu, "There are group of people from Ukl or Urainah, and I do not know unless he told of Ukl, came to Madinah, but the weather is not suitable for them. The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam told them to go to the stable of camels and told them to go out and drink urine and milk. Then they drink it, (but) once they recover their sudden they killed the shepherd and stole the Prophet's camels. The next morning the news came to the Prophet and he sent some people to catch them and they have not been caught in the afternoon. He was then ordered to cut their hands and their feet and their eyes gouged out. They were left in the area of ​​al-Harrah, when they asked for water, no one gave them water. 
From one Hadith of the Prophet, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Qassas, a researcher at the University of Umm Al-Qura, Mecca and perform the research confirmed that camel milk can cure several diseases including hepatitis, diabetes (diabetes) and skin diseases.

Keywords: camel organs, camel’s liver, camel’s milk.


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