Saidatina Aisha said :There are ten fithrah in Islam namely cutting the mustache, beard, brush the teeth, putting water into the nose, cut the nails, wash joints, plucking the armpit hairs, shaving the placenta, purification with water (to protect himself), said Zakaria: I forgot for the last except for rinsing. (Reported by Muslim).
From Anas bin Malik intends to: We have determined the time to cut the whiskers, cutting nails, plucking the armpit hairs and shave her placenta so that we do not leave it for more than 40 nights. (Reported by Muslim).
According to Imam Shafie: It is sunnah to cut the nails before Friday prayers like it is ordered to bath, brush the teeth, using perfume and dressed container prior to the mosque.
Nails are not clean will cause a bad odor. Usually the smell is sourced from the nails and fingertips. Nail was pleasant aroma that spread is generally caused by infection with micro-organisms, particularly bacteria (bacteria) and fungi.

Nail disease that most often served to spread the smell, are:
1.      paronychia (paronychia)
2.      Candidiasis (candida fungus)
3.      onychomycosis (tinea fungi and yeasts)
If there is micro-organisms infection of the nail, the treatment is directed at efforts to eradicate the cause.
The Tips To Keep The Nail
1.      In addition to be diligent to be cleaned in order not to seem shabby and dirty, nails also require attention and nutrition. Natural materials can be an alternative to care in order to keep your nails healthy and strong. One treatment that you can do is to use olive oil. To get the nails that look more fresh and soft, rub olive oil on the nails and cuticles. Another way could be to soak the nails in a bowl of olive oil for 10-15 minutes. Cuticle will be lifted off and dried naturally and nails retain moisture and not too brittle.
2.      Cut your toenails regularly, not too deep and does not exceed the free nails (the nails) and the skin of the nail tip support (hiponikium)
3.      Do not pick, poke the skin bordering the nail, because it can cause infection (may swell and smell).
4.      Keep your toenails stay dry. For someone whose job requires always in the water, do not try to dry it immediately after contact with water.
5.      Clean your toenails every shower with soap and rub between your fingers to clean.
Easy right?
Keep your nails with care as above. God willing, your nails will be clean, healthy, strong, and obtain the blessing of God Almighty because you have been implementing the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad.

Keywords: cut the nails, Nail disease, Tips To Keep The Nail, healthy nails   


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