If you are a smoker, you must have known the dangers of smoking, in fact, you probably know about the dangers of smoking. Why? Every day you read the warning and see the terrible images found on the cigarette box. So of course you understand and know about it. However, despite how nice you inhale the bitter smoke, I believe, there is a bit of intention and desire on yours to stop smoking.
In the past, I am sure that you are not a smoker! However, due to environmental influences, finally, you end up stuck and became one of the active smoker. Millions of money have you spent on buying cigarettes over the years. Your health become conscious today. In the past, you can run and play football without feeling tired, but now, just go up the stairs, you are very tired.
Actually, intention to stop smoking is always be in every smoker. Many of them try to stop smoking. However, most of them are fail. If they get successful in his trying, it is only for a short time. 1-2 weeks after that, they would smoke cigarettes again.
From the reason above, it is needed the tips to make a smoker can immediately stop smoking permanently. Smokers need to understand whether the benefits are obtained through stop smoking? The decision to stop smoking is usefull for yourself and your family's health. Learn the benefits of stop smoking below:
1.      Longevity
One of two smokers will die early because of illness caused by smoking.
2.      Avoidance of hazardous materials.
Cigarette smoke contains nearly 4.000 of chemicals and 50 of them cause cancer.
3.      Prevent disease.
There are about 40 types of diseases caused by smoking. Lung cancer, heart disease, chronic lung disease and stroke.
4.      A healthier life.
Those who do not smoke will decrease in cough and respiratory illnesses compared to smokers.
5.      A good attitude that will be imitate for your family, your children and the environment.
How to start to stop smoking? The most important factor is your desire to make it to be reality. Set the intention to stop, Assure yourself, Create a warning, tell yourself "I am not a smoker", always positive thinking, use a nicotine substitute therapy (eg candy) and look for the positive activity are the good way to stop smoking.

Keywords       : stop smoking, how to stop smoking, good way to stop smoking, try to stop smoking 

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