Stay Healthy in Old Age

At the age of respondents reach age 42, 45, and 50 years, the researchers interviewed their psychic health. These include, questions about how many friends and relatives that they meet once a month or more. 40 percent of men and one third of female respondents said they had 6 close friends. A close friend is often gathered. The closeness between friends is significantly bring happiness than those who do not do the same.
According to the findings of researchers, middle-aged man who has friends is less than the age of five to 45 years less happy. The results of this study to show the importance of social networking to your age. Similar study conducted in 2010 revealed friendships have a positive impact. Benefits such as reducing the dangers that arise from smoking, alcohol, physical activity, and obesity. For that for those of you that have been aged 50 years and over, multiply gathering for friends and blessings multiply age.
Besides, to make you more healthy in older age, consume green tea, turmeric, and curry. This is to anticipate so that you do not or dementia. Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals - particularly the compound known as EGCG - which can help prevent damage to cells in the body. Even some experts have also studied the effects of green tea in fighting cholesterol to the risk of certain cancers with mixed results. A new study, researchers from Japan observe the extent of the effects of green tea consumption in reducing the risk of weakness and physical disability in older adults. Research involving almost 14,000 adults age 65 and older. Results showed that participants who drank green tea more, tend not to experience or suffer from "functional disability" for three years.
Similarly with turmeric. The existence of turmeric as a raw material for making food seasonings such as curry, it is not foreign anymore. But are you aware that turmeric also keep hidden benefits, especially in preventing disease or senile dementia?
The last is you have to multiply to consume curry. Yes, the latest research indicates that eating curry regularly could reduce the risk of developing health conditions associated with aging such as dementia. The experts from Linkoping University, Sweden, suggested, put curry in the daily diet as much as once or twice a week is enough to reduce the likelihood of a person suffering from dementia in later life. Researchers found, high levels of curcumin in turmeric plays a very important and is the primary agent that prevents the onset of dementia.

Keywords       : Stay Healthy in Old Age, Old Age Problems, Overcoming the Dementia, 

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