Beware of Pain in Your Body

Unhealthy lifestyle can cause a variety of health problems. One of these health problems are coming pain in your body. Do not underestimate pain problems that exist in your body, as you suffer pain can be a signal irregularities on your health. The pain can be anywhere. Sometimes the pain comes in the chest, back, head, gum and others. According to some experts, the following conditions must pain you give special attention. It's some pain along with the danger that was launched by msn (11/9).
1.      Severe headache
It could be a migraine. However, when not accompanied by other migraine symptoms, and suddenly stricken with severe headache, chances are you have a brain aneurysm. Brain aneurysm is a cerebrovascular disorder caused by rupture of an aneurysm, can cause brain damage within minutes.
2.      Pain Dental
Toothache can be caused by a broken tooth nerve, because the enamel cracks or rot. If left unchecked, oral bacteria will strike a nerve. It's time for the control to the dentist.
3.      Chest pain
Chest pain tingling, shortness of breath and pain in the upper body, a sign of a problem with your heart. Worse, women are at higher risk than men.
4.      Stiff rear waist
If your right waist feels tingling and accompanied by nausea and fever, may be a sign you have appendicitis. For women, it could also signal the presence of ovarian cysts.
5.      Leg pain accompanied by swelling
If your calf looks swollen, red or warm to the touch, you may experience a deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots known as. Beware, because the clot can block blood vessels in the calf. Worse, these clots can enter the lungs and threaten your life.
How To Treat The Pain?
Pain management depends on the degree of pain and response to analgesic medications. Provision and replacement of analgesic medication gradually. Stages described Study Analgesia with three stages or steps. The first step includes nonnarkotik analgesics, such as aspirin or paracetamol. Note: paracetamol (eg Panadol) should be avoided by people with hepatitis. The second step gives weak narcotics such as codeine, if required to be offered regular analgesics. Being on the highest step, given the powerful narcotic drugs, such as morphine, again with the usual analgesics as needed. Analgesic drugs can also be combined with an adjuvant, a drug to help the principal drug efficacy. Adjuvant can include local anesthetics, steroids, and anti-nausea medications, as well as adjunctive therapy discussed above. Type of analgesic drugs that are given can be raised to the next step if there is no improvement with the use of the recommended dosage. Conversely, given a three step analgesic and pain began to disappear, replaced by medication type of drug a second step first, hold (when pain is still mild) with the type of drug the first step, continue to be stopped if the problem goes away completely. Do not immediately stop taking the medicine in the second or third step. Some pain experts believe that the best way to negotiate is to give pain medication on a fixed schedule, with a fixed dose, before experiencing pain.

Keywords       : How To Overcome The Pain, The Danger of Pain, Unhealthy Lifestyle,
  Beware of Your Pain, Pain in The Body

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