Healthy Eating Noodles

Who does not love instant noodles. Everyone will love it. Beside, the instant noodles are presented in the form of a practical, instant noodles also taste delicious. This creates a feeling of craving those who consume them, especially children. However, as the article I wrote in a previous article, instant noodles, behind having delicious taste, actually, it contains many dangers for those who consume them. For example, sediment dyes are very harmful to the body.
Afrinia Ekasari as a nutritionists said, instant noodles made from basic ingredients of flour, flour, eggs, water and minerals, and includes herbs and vegetable oils. It does have vitamins, but in fact, far from standard to meet the nutritional needs of figures. Especially for children. There are some malicious content in instant noodles, the preservatives and dyes that can not be broken down in the body, so tend not to be issued. So, if these substances are too often consumed, it will build up in the body and are carcinogenic or harmful.
Therefore, to fulfill the nutrient, as well as to minimize the entry of instant noodles ingredients that harm the body, do the following way when you consume instant nodles.
1.      Cook the noodles in boiling water. Once the noodles cooked, discard the water used for cooking noodles. This is done to remove the preservative that is present in mi not to participate in the meal by us. After waste water, cook water to cook noodles again. By cooking noodles through two phases, substances that harm the body, we have minimized sediment dyes that found in instant noodles.
2.      Add vegetables and animal protein such as eggs, chicken and shrimp, to fulfill the nutritional value. This is because the principle of a balanced diet is, what is consumed should be diverse, have nutritional value. "Not only do contain carbohydrates, but also fat, protein and vitamins.
3.      Make seasoning of instant noodle seasoning by your own. Instant noodles seasoning is not necessary at the input to the noodles. In this way, you are minimizing the entry of preservatives into your body.
4.      When buying instant noodles, look at the noodles was expired or not. You can see the expiration date listed in packs of instant noodles
5.      Do not be too often consume instant noodles. Eating instant noodles too often actually are stacking the disease in your body. Why? As I said above, that the instant noodles, though it has nutrients, but in fact, preservatives and dyes that exist in instant noodles, is a serious threat to you. Regarding preservatives, although it could be lost, but it is very difficult. If in calculated, preservatives can be lost through human secretion system, at least about four days later.
That's five ways to help keep healthy things you can do in order to minimize the harmful ingredients that exist in instant noodles. Even if you have to eat instant noodles, eat instant noodles once every five days. Suppose today we already consume instant noodles, four days to five days later you can consume it again.

Keywords       : Always Healthy by Consuming Noodles, The Nutrients of Nodles,
  The Danger of Noodles, Eating Instant Noodles Healthiness

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