Knowing The Benefits and The Dangers of Chocolate

Chocolate or often known as the cocoa produced from cocoa plant known by the Latin name Theobroma cacao. The word Theobroma means food of the gods. Chocolate or cocoa beans taken from the cacao tree. Chocolate or cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is grown in the Amazon and Orinoco valley in South America thousands of years ago. The chocolate was only a drink later developed into snacks that can melt on the tongue. Today, Switzerland became famous as the best cocoa producing country.
Chocolate for Health Benefits
Chocolate with Cocoa content (cocoa beans) more than 70% also have health benefits, it is caused that chocolate is rich in antioxidants. They are phenols and flavonoids. By the presence of antioxidants, they will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of the antioxidant content is even three times more than green tea, drink very often seen as a source of antioxidants.
By the presence of antioxidants, it make the chocolate into a health drink. Phenol, an antioxidant to reduce cholesterol in the blood, reducing the risk of heart attack is also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood pressure. Besides the fat content in chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries. Chocolate also contains several vitamins that are useful to the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients that are essential for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person is deficient in magnesium, can lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems that woman's monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.
The other benefits are, as food for chocolate beauty. Antioxidants and catechins in it can prevent premature aging, it is not surprising that today thrive chocolate body scrub is excellent for skin beauty.
The Danger of Consuming Chocolate
Mistakes are often made when selecting chocolate is when you choose cheap or very cheap chocolate. Thus chocolate contains cocoa (cocoa beans) are on average slightly less than 20%, even less than 7%. This type of chocolate also contains high sugar, high saturated fat content and other vices such as hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), which causes tooth decay and health problems such as diabetes.
Other chocolate products are also dangerous and bad for health, especially in the form of fondant (usually used to decorate cakes) and praline. Fondant actually contains 100% sweetener and praline equally bad. As much as possible choose chocolate with a sugar content a bit so that you can enjoy great benefits owned chocolate. You will get the benefit of chocolate if you eat chocolate with a cocoa content or higher cocoa bean.
After you read this article, please select and sort, which chocolate is good for you and which chocolate is not good for your health.
Now......Enjoy your chocolate!!!!

Keywords       : The Benefits of Chocolate, The Danger of Chocolate,
  How to Choose Good Chocolate, Chocolate for Healthy,
  Healthy by Consume Chocolate

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