The way healthy eating of Rasulullah

Eating is something we can not avoid. But eating too much will cause many diseases.People who eat too much will usually be too much sleep. If it's a lot of sleep, then it will be easy to attack a variety of diseases, including changes in weight, reduced productivity and impaired immune system. People who eat a lot terlal also potentially affected by peptic ulceratau commonly known as stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer. The disease arises due to the food intake causes irritation of the digestive tract. What about people that is why too little? Eating too little too susceptible to disease. Emerging diseases in people who are so very few of them are the lack of nutrients. Then how the procedure is an ideal healthy eating healthy again? Let's find Messenger in eating behavior.
Prophet is a man who always put the health of each activity. Among his concerns to kesehatanya is he always stop eating before you are full and young do not want to eat before getting hungry. Prophet is very concerned over the stomach contents consisting of solids, liquids and gaseous substances. Until Hadith Prophet said, "Son of Adam does not need a lot of a place worse than his stomach. Suffice it to them a couple of bites that may enable the body. If not found another way, then (he can fill his stomach) with one-third for food, one third for drink, and one third for breathing "(Reported by Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban).
The ideal meal is a meal like that in the Prophet instructed above. By eating before hunger and stop eating before satiety is a means to optimize the digestive process stomach.enough to eat a third of the volume that can be accommodated in the stomach, drink a third and a third for breath (air).
Breath is also due to the portion where there is a correlation gastric and respiratory. The upper hull positioned directly under the diaphragm, the stomach receives food after chewed, swallowed, and through the esophagus.
If the stomach is filled too much food then the size would be widened and bring discomfort and difficulty breathing. It's also quite difficult to shrinkage and inhibit downward movement automatically, due to the occurrence of deep breathing.
Therefore, the volume of the stomach should be filled proportionally. If not balanced it can lead to heart damage and weakening of the organs of the body to perform daily activities, including also in the running of worship.
Thus, the guidance of the prophet to his people in terms of eating is to eat food in small amounts, but is able to meet nutritional needs. One-third to eat, a third for drink, and a third for breath.
Key word: eat, healthy eating, Messenger, diet disease 

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