Consume Fruits, it's Nice and Usefull

Many people ignore eating fruit. Though the fruit is necessary for the health and immunity.The price also varies, there are lower-priced fruits such as bananas, rambutan, guava, etc.. There is a high-priced fruits such as apples, oranges, grapes, etc.. If we are concerned with eating the fruit, can measure the level of our economic capacity, which is important efforts are made to the health of our bodies. 
In contrast to other foods, which taste good but mergugikan body, such as eating satay or chocolate, fruit taste good but a lot of benefits for the body. Fruits belonging to taste good and many benefits for the body include: 

1.  Apple 
Apples come from Switzerland, and according to archaeologists apples are consumed by humans since 6500 BC. Apples are easy to spread to the world as quietly as the alleged invasion of the Roman army to colonial countries while bringing an apple to the corners of the world. Apples come to Indonesia is expected About a year 1934. Apple consist pectin and mineral salts that can be useful release large intestines and dirt that has settled in days. Substance content of pectin in apples can also lower cholesterol. 
2.  Date 
The fruit is very populir especially among Muslims because it comes from the middle east, the predominantly Muslim. Historically, these foods have become staples of middle eastern cuisine for thousands of years. This tree comes from the Persian Gulf and has been cultivated since prehistoric times of Egypt, circa 4000 BC. In arkelologis fruit is cultivated have been found east of the Arab section. The fruit is to be spread throughout the world are affected by persebara arab nations who trade while bringing a date. On a date to have the sugar content is useful to generate a lot of energy for the human body. In history, the Prophet Muhammad consume three dates is enough to break the fast.Sugar content of dates is useful for skin immunity, wound heal faster. 
3.  Pear 
This fruit comes from europe, asia and even from Africa also there. The fruit is not so well known because of the taste, which is not bad, not much-loved by many people, but the fruit is very beneficial to the health of our bodies. The fruit is highly recommended for someone who consumed vitamin C drawback, this fruit is also able to increase body resistance / immunity and prevent free radicals. In pears contain chlorogenic, one part of acid hidroksisinamat. This acid can block the formation of cancer cells. Additionally Pear Eating fruit helps to overcome discomfort in the stomach due to excessive levels of acid that comes from high-calorie foods, oily and spicy. 
4.  Longan 
This fruit contains a lot of sucrose, fructose, glucose, fat, Vitamin A, Vitamin B. Fruit kelengkeng can keep sugar levels in the body, relax the nerves. Even this fruit can cause a sense of calm for those who consume. It tastes good, cause people addicted to consume them. 

Keywords: The Benefits of Fruit, Fruit for Healthy

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