Imitate the healthy sleep of Rasulullah SAW (chapter 1)

Basically, sleep is a means to release all the fatigue, relaxes muscles and as a means of collecting energy to recover after activity. Sleep is a necessity that can not be left behind.Enough sleep and good health might result in a position for us. But although only a sleep problem, we must menjadikanya worth of worship.
Al-Bara 'bin Azib ra, narrated that the Prophet SAW said, "If you want to go to bed, then berwudhulah like wudhumu for prayer. Then lie down on the right side of the body. After that say:
أللهم أسلمت وجهي إليك وفوضت أمري إليك وألجأت ظهري إليك رغبة ورهبة إليك لا ملجأ ولا منجا منك إلا إليك أللهم آمنت بكتابك الذي أنزلت وبنبيك الذي أرسلت
"O Allah, I handed over my face to thee, I give my business to you, I leaned my back to you, with pleasure and fear in thee. There is no place of protection and rescue from You except in You. O Allah, I believe the book which Thou hast revealed, and Thy Prophet, whom you sent ".
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "If you died in the night, that you died on the nature (Islam)".
Why we should sleep on the right side of the body? It is not without reason. Any words of Muhammad must be true. In the world of health has been known that sleeping on the side of the body with the right will make the organs of our body into balance. Here's the facts in the case of the Prophet Muhammad slept in a tilted position to the right.
Dr. Zafir al-Athar says that sleep is the right hand side of the body is positioned correctly.This is due to:
1. The left lung is smaller than the right, so the lighter the load for the heart
2. Heart was in stable condition does not depend
3. Stomach can also rest on it with full relaxation
4. In addition, it is easier to empty the food in the stomach after digesting
5. More than that, sleep on the right hand side of the body considered the best medical treatment that eases the task of trachea, left lung cavity to accelerate spending wastes snot.
Fabulous, it turns out that in fact a Prophet who ummi (can not read or write) is able to provide everything that all right as well as scientific. This is not another because of the Prophet in every word and action is always propped up through Allah SWT. Let's start now get used to sleep with a good, healthy and appropriate guidance of the Prophet Muhammad healthy. Stay away from the bed which was in vain as sleeping too late and in a position that is not good. Make sleep we value worship, so that our health is not only healthy physically but also spiritually healthy

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