SIWAK (Salvadora Persica)

Bang Ali, one of the characters in the soap opera aired Islamic identity card at one of Indonesia's private television, always carry a twig of wood that is used for brushing teeth.What exactly bang Ali used the? Apparently the wood of the tree twigs called Siwak or miswak. Siwak or miswak known by the scientific name (Salvadora Persica). Wood is commonly used to replace the function of a toothbrush and toothpaste. The majority of people in Muslim countries use them weeks to brush their teeth daily. Although it sounds old fashioned, but a study conducted at the Siwak or miswak prove otherwise. Siwak or miswak toothpaste better used to prevent gum disease.
One of the researchers Siwak is a scientist named Rudat, director of the Institute Perkumanan University of Rostock. Writing in a german magazine, he said, "After I read about siwak Arabs commonly used as a toothbrush, since that moment I started doing the assessment. The results of modern scientific research confirms, that siwak contain substances that resist decay, cleaning agents that help kill germs, whiten teeth, protect teeth from fragility, working to help glue the wound gums and a healthy growth, and protect the mouth and teeth of various diseases. As has been proved that Siwak has the benefits of preventing cancer.
As for the benefit of others whom siwak kill pathogenic bacteria cause tartar. Killing of Streptococcus mutans, the cause of dental caries. Minimize Actinomyces viscosus and Porphyromonas gingivalis or disease-causing periodontitis (tooth bleeding and loss of teeth). In its function as a means of cleaning the teeth and mouth, bersiwak by using a special timber, called a "wooden wine", it can be replaced with a toothbrush and toothpaste. But other benefits are not gained as much as when we use the Siwak, who was special. Thus, bersiwak still have an advantage over other ways of cleaning the teeth or mouth.

Keywords: The Benefits of Siwak, Siwak andc Your Teeth, Healthy Teeth with Siwak

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