The Benefits of Lime for Your Health

In my area, Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has long been known as a cough medicine, remove the blockage of vital energy, laxative sputum (mucolytics), laxative urine (diuretic) and sweat. The fruit is taste bitter, sour and slightly cold. But it turns out lemon juice has benefits not only as a medicine in the course. Orange juice has a myriad of benefits to our health. Lemon juice can be used as flavoring dishes, beverages, refreshments, from which citric acid, as well as cleaning rust on metal and dirty skin. It could also be a mixture of herbs.
Lime oil contains limonene and linalool fly, also flavonoids, such poncirin, hesperidine, rhoifolin and naringin. The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N-methyltyramine, other than citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1, and C. Sitratnya acid is able to prevent postoperative recurrence in patients with kidney stones.
below are the benefits of lemon juice for your health and how to make it. Hj. Sarah Kriswanti, herbalist who lives in London, and Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha of Hiptri (Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Indonesia), gives tips on how to make use of lemon juice as a herb that helps cure the disease.
1.      Hemorrhoid
A total of 10 grams of lime tree roots washed, then boiled with 1 liter of water for 1/2 hour, then strain. Drink 3 times a day.
2.      Body Odor
The Method :
Cut a lemon into 2 sections large enough, spread the slices with a thin layer of whiting. Apply to underarms after shower. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse, intervenes every morning and afternoon.
3.      Kidney Stones
Two grains of lime juice diluted with 2 cups village warm water, drink after dinner. Do it every day for 10 days.
4.      Laryngitis
Cut 3 pieces of ripe lime, then squeeze. Pour boiling water with juice 1/2 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring evenly. While warm, use this ramun to rinse for 2-3 minutes. Do it 3 times a day.
5.      Mucus in Throat
Cut 2 pieces of lemon, squeeze the water disposed of in the glass. Add a little salt, then stir until smooth. This herb can be taken on an empty stomach.
6.      Toothache
Combine lime juice, grind and the roots of black amethyst legetan warak each 1 tablespoon. Add 3/4 cup of salt water into it and stir until blended. Further squeeze and strain the herb. Use water filter to rinse for a few minutes, then discard. Do it 4-6 times a day.
You have to know the benefits of Lime. Now, Began to use lime for prevention. Besides healthy, of course, this kind of herbs have no side effects. If anything, it's because you eat lemon without using rules of usage.

Keywords       : The Benefits of Lime, The Benefits of Lemon, Lime For Healthy, 
  Cure The Disease with Lemon

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