Blood and Hepatitis B Virus

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused by a virus, bacteria, autoimmune diseases, toxins and so forth. Viral hepatitis is called as a cause of this deseases. There are many kind of hepatitis deseases. One of them is hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is very dangerous. Hepatitis B is a contagious disease are classified as dangerous in the world. The disease is caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) that attacks the liver and cause acute or chronic inflammation of the liver. At this time, it is estimated that in the world there are approximately 300 million people with Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg - carrier), and of these about 220 million people and this means that nearly 78% lived in Asia. HBsAg prevalence data vary widely in Indonesia, this is understandable considering that Indonesia has a very wide area.
With the prevalence of HbsAg, 3 - 20%, Indonesia are classified into groups endemic areas with moderate to high, and the countries that are very encouraged by WHO to immediately implement preventive efforts against hepatitis B. As with hepatitis C, both diseases can become chronic and eventually liver cancer. The process of transmission of Hepatitis B is through the exchange of body fluids or contact with blood from a person infected with Hepatitis B.
dr Fardah Akil, on a health seminar some time ago in the hall of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Makassar City, explained, an estimated 350 to 450 people suffering from chronic hepatitis B. "Hepatitis B is infectious from 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV. Virus is found in body fluids of an infected person, such as in the blood, sweat, tears, and breast milk, and semen," said Fardah Akil. Although it is very dangerous, early education is very necessary and important for common people in order to overcome hepatitis B. Knowing early on dangerous diseases like hepatitis can keep people protected from hepatitis.
Red Cross Blood Unit Director Makassar, dr Mardiani explained, hepatitis B not only pose a danger to the sufferer, but also to their families and communities. According Mardiani, the need for fuse for the community and will donate blood. "One way a person is exposed to hepatitis through blood, so blood be donated must be selected before transfusion," said Mardiani. In the course of hepatitis B virus infection, liver and blood is the highest of a concentration of hepatitis B virus.
Hepatitis B can affect anyone, but usually for those who are productive will be more at risk of developing this disease.

Keywords       : Knowing Hepatitis B Deseases, Blood and Hepatitis, Hepatitis Overcome 

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