Healthy from The Movement of Sholat (part 2)

In previous articles have explained the function of ihram takbirotul ihrom, bowing and I'tidal. There are still three prayer movement that we have not discussed the prostration, sitting between two prostrations and salutations. Let's see, is there any health that can we get from the prostration, sitting between two prostrations and salutations. 

1.    Prostration (sujud)
Prostration movement is unique. Prostration has a philosophy that humans bow themselves as low, even lower than his own ass. From the standpoint of the science of psychoneuroimmunology (the science on immune from the psychological point of view) Prof. Salah say that the movement is led man to the maximum degree. Why? 

Prostration by putting both hands, knees, toes, and forehead on the floor. Prostration useful to pump the lymph into the neck and armpits. Posis heart above the oxygen-rich brain regions can cause the maximum flow to the brain. This flow effect on a person's thinking power. Therefore, you should do prostrations with tuma'ninah, not in a hurry to insufficient capacity of blood in the brain. This position to avoid a person from the disorder hemorrhoids. Especially for women, both bowing and prostration has tremendous benefits for fertility and health of the female organs. Prostration is a particular strength training, including chest muscle. When prostrate, upper body weight stacks on the arm until palms. This is when muscle contractions occur in the chest, the body that became the pride of a woman. Breasts not only become more beautiful shape, but also improve the function of the milk glands in it. By performing regular prostrations movement, blood vessels in the brain is trained to receive an ample supply of oxygen. At the time of prostration, cardiac position is above the head which allows maximum blood flow to the brain. That is, the brain get oxygen-rich blood supply to stimulate the cells. In other words, tuma'ninah and continuous prostrations which can trigger an increase in intelligence. 

2.  Sitting between prostrations 
Sitting after the prostrations consist of two kinds, namely iftirosy (early tahiyat) and tawarru '(end tahiyat). The difference lies in the position of the feet. at iftirosy, the body rests in the groin that is connected with nerve nerve Ischiadius. This position is able to avoid pain in the groin which often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Sit tawarru 'very good for men because the heel to suppress your bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and vas deferens channels. If done correctly, this position is able to prevent impotence. Variations in the position of your foot on iftirosy and tawarru 'cause all the muscles of the legs also stretch and then relax again. This harmonic motion and pressure that maintain the flexibility and strength of our movement organs. 
3.    Salutation (salam)
The twist head to right and since e left to the fullest. Regards useful to useful to relax the muscles around the neck and head improve blood flow in the head so as to prevent headaches and keep the facial skin firmness. 

This little health benefits obtained from the prayer movements. Still there are much benefit in prayer (sholat) and the researchers will prove it later. May Allah give healthy for us by sholat.

Keyword: Prostration, sitting between two prstration, salutation, any health, philosophy

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