Healthy Child Stimulating, Creative and Intelligent (part 2)

In a previous article, I gave four step how to stimulate the child to be healthy, creative and intelligent. Because of these measures amounted to 11, then in this article I added seven steps as the previous article completeness. 

5. Toys for the bathroom 
These toys teach many concepts and made happy in the water play without having to wet the entire floor or a table and chairs. The tub is also a good place to play bubble, but for now you alone must make these bubbles. 

6. Game of follow the leader 
Father started clapping, the mother followed. And babies are invited to attend. Mother folded her hands, the father also attended. Next, the baby will follow the leader without being forced, and ultimately it will be able to lead the game. 

7. use the Magazine, and everything that pictorial 
You certainly can not bring horses, elephants and lions live in your living room, but you can bring them all through the books or magazines. Read and look at books with your baby several times a day. Every time perhaps only briefly, probably no more than a few minutes away, because the focusing ability of your child is still short, but this will build a penchant for reading later. 

8. Materials for pretend play 
Toy dishes, kitchen utensils, food, homes, trucks and cars, hats, shoes, cushions, almost everything can be magically transformed in the imagination of a child into the world according to the imagination. Games like this can develop social skills, small motor muscle coordination as well (take off and put on clothes, whisk eggs or cooking soup), creativity and imagination. 

9. A safe place to learn to climb 
Babies are usually very happy to climb the attic stairs (if you can not watch him, it is absolutely necessary safety fence), ascending stairs glide (stay behind), climbed a chair or bed. Let them do it, but stood nearby and always ready to rescue if needed. 

10. Variated environments

Babies who have never seen anything but the atmosphere inside the house, the interior of the car or the same store, will become a very tired baby. There is a wide world of stunning outside door of the house, and baby you should see it every day. Even going out in the rain, can be a learning experience. Invite a baby around the playground and a busy area where many people can see. 

11. Praise 
Praise your baby when he managed to master a skill. The success, in addition to satisfying, often also be more meaningful if accompanied by the recognition from his parents. 

Now it's time for you to prepare your baby to become children of superior (healthy, creative and intelligent) by following these steps. But you are also in the compulsory search for other measures, because the above steps just a fraction of the steps to prepare children who have a healthy soul, creative and intelligent. Good luck!! 

Keywords: Children's healthy, creative, intelligent, seven steps, 

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