FOOD SUPPLEMENTS - Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages and Disadvantages
Still taking supplements? Here are the four most popular vitamins or supplements that are considered to have their advantages and disadvantages.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa)
>>Klick look at Wikipedia
Black Cohosh is a kind of wild plants like evergreen shrubs throughout the year.

Part of plant used as a medicinal plant is dried roots and rhizomes. Although research supporting
the benefits of this herb is still small, historically, the American Indians had always been used for a variety of conditions, ranging from issues of femininity to rattlesnake bites. Researchers from the U.S. who conducted a number of research suggests there is sufficient evidence that this herbal extract can relieve the symptoms of menopause. A recent study in France also found that black cohosh extract can stop the growth of breast cancer cells.Following reports of liver damage, Drug and Health Care Products UK (MHRA) has asked manufacturers to include a warning label to the threat risks of using this type of supplement.

Royal Jelly  >>Klick look at Wikipedia
Viscous fluid produced by bees as food young bee larvae and queen bees specialty foods has been proven to kill bacteria in laboratory tests. This substance also contains protein and vitamin C and is claimed to boost immunity although there is no solid evidence. There is a history of problems caused by drug residue made from royal jelly. Giving drugs with excessive doses in animals whose products are consumed by humans will potentially cause health problems. This substance is also thought to cause potentially lethal reactions. In Australia, packs royal jelly supplements must be accompanied by a warning label following the case of 11-year-old boy who died from asthma consume.

Glucosamine >>Klick look at Wikipedia
Two large studies showed glucosamine can relieve pain and improve mobility in patients with osteoarthtritis. The evidence is so convincing that the U.S. National Institutes Of Health plans to hold further research. The quality and strength of glucosamine products varies. It seems that glucosamine is also only effective if combined with a compound called condroitin.

Ginkgo Biloba >>Klick look at Wikipedia
Although some research indicates a negative effect, Prof Ernst believed that ginkgo remain efficacious. He stressed, when the researchers ruled out participants who did not eat regularly, there are approximately 68 percent decreased risk of memory problems after taking ginkgo.Prof Ernst said more studies need to be done considering the cases of stroke in the study due to freezing, instead of bleeding - which may be due to the role of ginkgo in the blood. For this reason, ginkgo supplements should not be taken with aspirin, warfarin or other anti-clotting drug.

Keywords       : Black Cohosh, Suplement, Glucosamine, Royal Jelly, Vitamin, Suplement Benefits, Suplement’s Danger. 

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